Monday, September 21, 2009

Wassabi Green With Envy

Ah cream polish.
Why I have I forsaken you for so long?
Why have I let myself be lured in by shimmer and things that sparkle?

For some reason, that I am quite unsure of, I have very few, and I mean about 3, creme polishes out of my ever growing basket full of colors. But when I saw the colors of Sally Hansen Xtreme Nails I was hooked, creme or no.

I have a weakness for lighter shades of green and orange. So when I saw Green With Envy, it was like an addict finding their favorite fix. Only this is not bad for me!
And what could be better than that!

Green With Envy may not be the most original name for a green, at least not the second time it is used, but the color here is a winner for me. I have no other comparison with other colors, but this is a nice wassabi like green creme.

I really am digging this color. I have a few greens in my collection, but nothing like this one. Will I acquire more that are like it to compare? I hope that answer will be a resounding yes, but for now, this one can fill the void for a non dark green, with gold shimmer, green. =3

The application of this was rather nice. I have found, that while the blacks and whites from Sally Hansen tend to goop up and get very think after just a few uses, the colors I have never had that problem with, and the colors, for the prices, more than make up for that. On the plus side to the black and white colors, I am sure that they will make amazing Konad stamp polishes as they are so thick.
The only thing is the brushes on these bottles They are a little long and thus tend to keep the polish up the length of the brush to be stored until you have your nails prefect, to which the polish then rushes to the end of the brush and fouls up what was a very good and clean application. But with a little bit of work and the knowledge that the brushes have a small grudge on humanity, they are not bad to work with at all.

Just for the fun of it, and because it popped into my head, I used a skull of a opossum that was found in the backyard, in this one.

And yes, the toes... I think I was kind of sitting on them right before the picture, so do not mind the red or odd marks. I tend to sit with my feet under me, so odd marks occur on a regular basis. ^ ^;;
That is all for this post, up next is the orange that I consider the mate to this one.
Hopefully I can get my favorite blogs up soon to get this one working a bit more like a blog should.
Later reader(s)!