Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Zoya Ultra Glitter Astra!

Oh my...

To think that I once came to the conclusion that I would not wear glitter nail polish because taking it off was a hassle!

No more!

Zoya Ultra Glitters are expanding my horizon in what I am willing to go through to wear amazing polish.

Like China Glaze Fortune Teller, I can already tell that, not only will I gladly deal with the clean up task, but I will be getting these polishes again when I run out; and should Zoya make more (oh please do!) and I can get a deal for them, (budget prevents me from getting polish on a regular basis for $7 a bottle at the moment! =/ ) I will be getting as many as they can make!

That is why I love Zoya so! Not only do they know how to feed my wild color addiction for nail polish, they do promos and discounts enough that even people on a budget, like I am, can get a good amount of their polish for a good price!

That is why I will be a lifelong Zoya fan. I tell everyone who comments on my polish that I get some of my best ones from Zoya. I already have a few friends hooked on them!

Now on to the glittery goodness!

Out of the three, Luna, Astra, and Nova, I picked Astra first.

Zoya Astra is a beautiful raspberry pink glitter in a pink jelly base. While it looked like it should have been lighter on the computer screen when I first saw it, I love the color so! Since I have put it on, I cannot stop staring at my nails! I keep getting distracted.
I have nothing else like it at all!

In usual Zoya fashion, the color is something to get glitter fanatics drooling over, but aslo the application of Astra was flawless. It was thick but not stringy or hard to control. It went just where I wanted and stayed there.

So far, I would have to say it is one of the best applications I have ever had with a polish. The clean up consisted of one q-tip worth and was not truly needed had I not bothered.

I was expecting these to be good, but I got near perfection.

And boy does this baby pop in the sun!

It throws the light so nicely. I have to remind myself to watch the road, and not the way Astra glitters in the sun, when I am driving!

This was two nice coats, though it could have used three if I wanted. But two good coats will prevent the nail line from showing through, so it is up to you how many you apply.

One top coat of Seche Vite, and it was perfect for me. It was no longer rough. slightly textured, yes, but nothing bad at all. Two coats would have that glass like smooth feel if desired, but I think one worked just fine for me.

The glitter lays so smooth that only one coat is needed to seal it. Seche Vite made the glitter pop, even inside at night.

My sister picked it up for me when she went shopping. I told her to come back with a top coat of some kind, as my Sally brand was clouding tips, and no way was I going to have that with the Ultra Glitters, so the darling thing got me my first bottle of Seche Vite and I can say I think I am already hooked after one application! It made my nails shine so!

I think this would also be one of the best Valentine's Day polishes. It is just the right color of pink for that day. My sister has already said she wants to borrow it for Valentine's Day!

I may be gushing, but really, how could you not over this?
I cannot wait to try the others! I am sure they are just as amazing as Astra is!

You should go get these as soon as you can!
Zoya's website. Just search "ultra." All three will be there.

I just had to see how a Konad looked over it!
This is plate m70.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Spark of Smurf

This is Spark from Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine.
This was kind of a disappointment.
In the bottle this looks like a dark purple. I picked it up thinking it could feed my purple craving.
It looks like a darker blue, almost navy once on. It only looked purple in the sunlight (not that cameras can relly capture purple...) but the color it became once on is quite close to the pictures.
I was really confused because even now, holding the bottle in my hand it looks like a dark purple with red shimmer, not a navy with a small hint of purple shimmer.

It is not that the color was bad, it was not at all, it was just I was expecting a purple, because that is what it looked like, and got a blue in place of that.
I still left it on for over five days.
It was a bit hard to work with. Three coats and it kind of went places, but still not too bad of a polish, just not great.
I used the mega shine top coat that came with it, but I will have to see how it works on more than one polish. I may have to go hunting for another top coat...

It look a bit of cleaning up as well. It was a smurf finger polish for sure!

Short post.
More to come though!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fourtune Teller! The Halloween Polish!

Just Wow!
If you ever wanted or needed a Halloween nail polish, China Glaze has just granted your every dark little wish with Fortune Teller.
It is not only the perfect Halloween polish, it is also just freaking beautiful!
It is everything you could want in a polish of you like the spooky side of thing, like me, or just are a lover of good polish.

Fortune Teller is 2 sizes of a beautiful orange glitter. A small round and a large hexagon shaped glitter. They managed to get the glitter to pop even with the black base.
It only took 2 coats to get it opaque.

Aa you can see, this little baby really shines in the sun. They are not the best pictures, I had a bit of trouble with the sun washing the polish out and if you look close, you can the tips look odd. The Sally Beauty top coat I have been using, and it was serving me well, I might add, has suddenly started clouding up whatever polish I put it over!
The first time it happened, I was fixing dinner and right after I applied the top coat I had my fingers over steam So I added another coat and all seemed alright till I got Fortune Teller on my tips and they clouded up on me!
It was retched. Even after another coat, as you can tell, the tips still look cloudy or like I slopped a bit of a matte coat on them.
Back to the polish!
Not only was the color enough to get a polish fanatic all hot and bothered, in a very good way, the application was glorious. Thick, but it went where I wanted and stayed there.
It did seem to need more than one top coat, but not because it seemed to rough, but rather that the top coat sucked down into the polish and settled into the small dips. So it looked rough inside, but shined in splender in the sunlight
It was a bit odd, but well worth the puzzle.
I ended up getting two bottles right off the bat and I really am so very happy.
It will be my Halloween polish this year!

And while I picked up Sally Beauty exclusive, I got a sample bottle of China Glaze Matte Magic as well.
Naturally I had to try it out!

The wear on it is after a few days, so it is not the best, but I did want to enjoy all that was the shiny Fortune Teller first.

Sorry about the gap, my nails grow out so fast that I literally have to do my nails a few times a week or they grow out like above, and look tacky.
I think that was... 3 days after I did the coats of Fortune Teller.

Anyway, thank you China Glaze!
This is a top 5 favorite now.
Go hit up a Sally Beauty store now to get one of your own!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gun Metal Slinger

And so we come to the end of the Sally Hansen haul from the drugstore.
This one is Gun Metal, and it is a dark gray/ silver shimmer.
This one got a few comments.

Thia is a wonderful color. I am always a fan of silvers.
With this one, it only took 2 coats and really is such a nice color.
Application was good, again only the long handle and the flooding that followed, could be eld against it. Even if you think you have just the right amount on the brush, the handle ten to hold more polish than you think could be up there. Then on occasion you overcompensate, and do not get enough.

But overall I thought they were quite nice.

Toes as well! I did an outdoor shot, but the grass got in the way of the shot, so I just used the indoor one I used to shw off what China Glaze Matte Magic did to it.

Up next I have a Halloween Glitter I have been so excited about!